I'm Vishal Shelake, iOS Developer from city of grapes in India called Nashik.
I've been interested in programming since I was a child, and my first major programming project was when I was in ninth grade. It all started with Excel, where I learned that we can use a formula to determine the sum of all rows on a specific cell. Later, it piqued my interest, and I began building macros in Excel to accomplish various tasks; this is how it all began.
My Journey
It all began soon after I realised my interest in computers.
Today, I'm interested in iOS development because of the high number of iOS users in large domestic demographic, as well as Apple's customer-friendly attitude. Learning Swift and understanding the inner workings of app development has been a lot of fun for me.
It's a fascinating tale. When I was growing up, I was used to using Windows computers and was comfortable with the Windows environment, so seeing someone using the Mac Operating System was unusual. When I was in college, one of my friends brought his MacBook Air, and I had the opportunity to handle it, but to be honest, I had no idea how to use it because everything was disregarded as coming from a Windows environment. This piqued my interest in learning more about the Apple ecosystem, and I fell in love with it, thus my journey began. When it comes to iOS programming,
The first few years were quite difficult. I'm not sure where to begin, and I don't have a Mac system to work with. Fortunately, I was able to obtain my own Mac Mini, and things became much easier. As I come from an area where I am aware of the lack of senior resources to assist me, I chose an out of the box track for me with the same effects on any simpler task where I can get stuck, which is very heartbreaking for a fresher developer. A small task took me 1 2 weeks to resolve as I learned everything through trial and error, so I am not afraid of any new challenges and functionality to be implemented after conducting extensive research.
My Flutter Journey
Hybrid Mobile Application development
I was given the opportunity to build a hybrid application that supported both Android and iOS platforms. I accepted the challenge and began developing the application in react native. However, I soon realised that react required me to learn a lot of new languages that took me longer to understand than flutter, so I came up with the idea to develop the application in flutter and completed it in two months.
Lets Connect
Outside of coding, I love talking about PhotoGraphy and VideoGraphy on Twitter
For something more formal, email me by Clicking here