The story behind app
Online Printing Solution app for Admin, Staff, and Customers where Customers can monitor their print printing progress and instruct the staff in real time with media chat utilising Firebase Firestore for realtime conversation and AWS S3 Database for storing media.
  • Virtual backgrounds
  • MVVM
  • 3 Modules 1. Admin 2. Staff 3. Customer
  • Each Module has different functionality and roles
  • Dealing with Complex UI Element and Designs
  • Creating a Chat Like Environment
  • Support Image Message Attachment
  • Support Video Message Attachment
  • Support Audio Message Attachement
  • For real Time Message Syncing using the Firebase Firestore
  • Challenge to store Media Items into the AWS S3 and accessing the files with respective users restriction using the Url
  • Displaying Multimedia Data in chat screen and handling the interaction of images ,video and audio messages
  • Record a message functionality
  • Handling the firebase message and assigned the users role according to the users action
  • Download on the App Store
    Tech Stack
    All the technologies used behind SYPrints