Art To Frame
The story behind app
Custom framing, collage frames, canvas wraps, and acrylic prints have all been available at reasonable costs with ArtToFrames. ArtToFrames is the place to go for all your fine art wall-decor requirements, with over 250 frame options, many mat colours, and the finest glass on the market.
ArtToFrames has been in business since 1921, offering Custom Framing, Collage Frames, Canvas Wraps and Acrylic Prints and great prices. With over 250 Frame Choices, Multiple mat colors and the best glass on the market, ArtToFrames is the place to go for all your fine art wall-decor needs.
Where we have around 250 different frames which with different architecture and different material types this will render on a real-time basis with the use of the user who uploaded the image. Where the most challenging work is to overlap images create a 3D render frame like object. The most challenging task is to upload large images with their original size with same we have to render the image with given frame and its glass type in real time so it was quite challenging to do such a task
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Tech Stack
All the technologies used behind Art To Frame